"once our eyes are opened, we can't pretend we don't know what to do. God, who weighs our hearts and keeps our souls, knows that we know, and holds us responsible to act."
Proverbs 24:12

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Amazing Week

Where do I start...
It has been an amazing week. We got our call on Monday that AGCI would be willing to be our agency. I was so excited. They said our packet would be sent out to us to review. We also delt with TBI background checks and scheduling our fist home study visit with our social worker. I got the packet from AGCI and began reading through it on Wednesday. I thought I couldn't breathe and felt very overwhelmed with the cost list and all of the information. I just felt that all of this would take longer but things just continue to move quicker than I had imagined. I continue to be blessed and overwhelmed by the people I talk to that are impacted by our story. Others share with us how they have been impacted by their own adoption. I never anticipated the response and openness from people around us. I mean everyone has things going on in their lives, but God continues to show me that he has his OWN plans. I am just trying to trust in the fact that God knows our child. He knows where she is & when she will be ready to join our family. We pray for her each morning during our family prayer time. We pray for those caring for her. I thank God each day for allowing me to travel this path with him. God has shown me that if I trust him then he is faithful to provide what I need. That means that in all areas of my life he should be my number one focus. Without him life is shallow and hopeless, but with him there is hope and a joy that can not be explained. Does that mean everything goes just perfect? No, but it does mean that he will be with me during the good and the bad times.

1 comment:

  1. Just remember it's one step at a time and before you know it the homestudy is done, your dossier is complete, and then your left "waiting" with NOTHING to do! ;-) So enjoy the time where you can actually "do" something! The wait's the worst part.
