"once our eyes are opened, we can't pretend we don't know what to do. God, who weighs our hearts and keeps our souls, knows that we know, and holds us responsible to act."
Proverbs 24:12

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Looking Foward to 2012

As I think about the past year it amazes me to see where God has taken each member of our family. I am excited to see Gods plan for us in 2012. I wonder if this time next year we will have a new addition to our family. I am thankful to all of my friends (old & new) & family God has allowed me to be touched by this year. My only resolution is to try to listen more carefully to God's lead in my life. I hope that on December 31, 2012 I can look back and see all of the marvelous ways God has revealed himself to me and others during the year.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

The Coming Child

As I sit here and think about the excitement and the anticipation created by our journey to bring home our new child(children), I cant help but wonder what was going on in the minds of Joseph and Mary as Jesus' birth was approaching. We are awaiting a child whose life we will change for ever, Joseph and Mary were waiting on a child whose life would save the world for everyone. I thank God for letting me be a part of His plan. I wish it was a plan to save every child's life who doesn't have a safe and loving home, but that would overwhelm anyone. So God has a plan for the Ramsey's to change the world for a few children, not to change the world. This way he can use lots of us to change the world one person at a time. Please follow our journey, please ask God to open a door for you to change someone's world, that is my Christmas prayer this year.

Monday, December 19, 2011


Grace cuddled up next to me the other evening and said "Mom I wish my sister could be with us this Christmas". I told her that God knows the right time for her to join our family. I explained to her that he has a plan for us even when we don't understand it. I wish I had always found comfort in those statements. About 2 years ago I really began a journey with God. I lost my father suddenly on August 19th. It was a normal day, until Luther came in and told me we needed to go to the hospital. I knew I was never going to get to hug, talk to, or just spend time with my daddy again on this earth. I knew and trusted my heavenly father, but found it hard to completely move past the sadness. Each person brings something different to a family and I missed his presence to our family. I wanted him back for just a little longer. I felt like a failure as a follower of Christ. I felt that if I were a good enough Christian I could just move on. I mean I knew my dad was better off in heaven, but I felt such a void. It was my Christian counselor Jenn sharing with me that what I felt was normal and that God is with me even when I don't know what to say or do. That God wants me to depend on him. It was this journey with God that has brought to where I am today. I am not afraid to be real with God. If I want a real relationship with him, then I have to tell him how I feel. He already knows it, but me saying it shows my willingness to be open & truthful. I have to say that I feel closer to God than any other time in my life. I can truly say that I have accepted that God really does know what is best for me. It is not just something I understand in my mind but in my heart. It is like my relationship I had with my dad. I didn't always agree with his decisions growing up, but I always knew he only wanted the best for me. It is the same with my heavenly father, He only wants the best for me & the best is to be a part of His story. He wants to use me to tell his story, but I have to be willing to be used by Him. So this adoption journey is just my willingness to be obedient. God has already pored out so many blessings on me that I do not deserve and we are just in the beginning of the adoption process. I can't imagine what he has planned, but I am so glad I am getting to be part of His story.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Amazing Week

Where do I start...
It has been an amazing week. We got our call on Monday that AGCI would be willing to be our agency. I was so excited. They said our packet would be sent out to us to review. We also delt with TBI background checks and scheduling our fist home study visit with our social worker. I got the packet from AGCI and began reading through it on Wednesday. I thought I couldn't breathe and felt very overwhelmed with the cost list and all of the information. I just felt that all of this would take longer but things just continue to move quicker than I had imagined. I continue to be blessed and overwhelmed by the people I talk to that are impacted by our story. Others share with us how they have been impacted by their own adoption. I never anticipated the response and openness from people around us. I mean everyone has things going on in their lives, but God continues to show me that he has his OWN plans. I am just trying to trust in the fact that God knows our child. He knows where she is & when she will be ready to join our family. We pray for her each morning during our family prayer time. We pray for those caring for her. I thank God each day for allowing me to travel this path with him. God has shown me that if I trust him then he is faithful to provide what I need. That means that in all areas of my life he should be my number one focus. Without him life is shallow and hopeless, but with him there is hope and a joy that can not be explained. Does that mean everything goes just perfect? No, but it does mean that he will be with me during the good and the bad times.

Monday, December 5, 2011

One Step Closer

We just got a call from AGCI (our adoption agency) and have been approved for Ethiopia!!!! We are one step closer to bringing our child home!! God continues to show himself on this journey!! Thank you to everyone who is praying for us. We are so thankful to have so many wonderful people in our lives!!!

Saturday, December 3, 2011


This morning I was doing my quiet time. It was on Mary and Joseph-when God sent an angel to speak to them separately about Jesus' birth. They both had a decision to make- Do I follow God's lead or not? This really hit home with me this morning. I want to be obedient like Mary & Joseph. God didn't NEED them to complete his plan but WANTED them. I know God doesn't need me but wants me to follow his lead & be a part of what he has planned for me, my family, and the child we hope to adopt. This journey has already begun to change my heart. I know God wants to refine me. I fail miserably everyday but God still loves me and wants to do something through me. I am sure Mary & Joseph were not perfect everyday, but God still used them along with many others in the bible. I already see changes in Grace & Gabrielle as we talk about what bringing another child into our family means & looks like. This week we helped at Room At The Inn as a family. The girls wanted to serve & even asked when we could do it again. The thing I want most for them is to see others like God sees them. I wonder what kind of parents Mary & Joseph had-- Do you think they saw their parents striving to follow God? Do you think they saw them make mistakes but try to do Gods's plan? Do you think they saw God as a friend that only wanted the best for them? Makes me wonder!

(Matthew 1:18-25 NASB) "Now the birth of Jesus Christ was as follows: when His mother Mary had been betrothed to Joseph, before they came together she was found to be with child by the Holy Spirit. And Joseph her husband, being a righteous man and not wanting to disgrace her, planned to send her away secretly. But when he had considered this, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying, "Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife; for the Child who has been conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit. She will bear a Son; and you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins." Now all this took place to fulfill what was spoken by the Lord through the prophet: "BEHOLD, THE VIRGIN SHALL BE WITH CHILD AND SHALL BEAR A SON, AND THEY SHALL CALL HIS NAME IMMANUEL," which translated means, "GOD WITH US." And Joseph awoke from his sleep and did as the angel of the Lord commanded him, and took Mary as his wife, but kept her a virgin until she gave birth to a Son; and he called His name Jesus."

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Blessed, in spite of my pride

We got a check in the mail today from a couple who wants to be a part of our journey, and just read that someone else on our FB group page has a donation for us. We have not asked for donations or for help yet, but the finances have been one of our biggest concerns as God has led us on this journey. This is such a great reminder that God is in control of this. My pride is one of the things that would keep me from asking for help. A good friend repramanded me the other night and let me know that God calls some to be goers and some to be senders. God is calling us to be goers right now, and God is calling some people to be senders. If I don't let go of my pride and let others be a part of God's plan I am stealing a senders chance to serve God. Thank you God for doing what you are so good at, humbling me and showing me your plans.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thankful Heart

I am thankful tonight for many things: a God who loves me & wants a relationship with me, a husband that I love & is my partner in life, healthy children that are growing into Godly young ladies, a wonderful mother who is a role model to me, a special dad that was always there for me, friends that care for me and my family. This Thanksgiving I am also thankful for how God has broken my heart for the orphans in Ethiopia and how he has lead me to want to add one to our family. I pray for that child & for those that are taking care of her. I may not know her name or age but she already has a special place in my heart.

"For I know the plans that I have for you,' declares the LORD, 'plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you." (Jeremiah 29:11, 12 NASB)

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Taking Another Step in Faith

Well we took another step forward this week. We have ordered necklaces made by women in Uganda. We didn't want to do fundraising but God has really been convicting us about involving others. We like the idea of selling necklaces made by women who are trying to better their lives and the lives of their families. We are also finishing the application to the agency that will handle the international part of the adoption (All God's Children International). We have talked to many agencies and feel God is continuing to lead us back to AGCI. Please continue to pray for us as we move forward. God knows the child that will eventually become part of our family. We pray each morning for those that are caring for her. Thank you again for all of your prayers!!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Fear in the Right Places

As we have begun this journey I am able to come up with every reason we shouldn't adopt: we're too old, we don't have the money, it was not in our plans, etc... we could be paralyzed by the fear of the unknown and the known. But we are choosing to fear only one thing - not listening God. We both feel that this is a journey that God has called us to and we know that he won't tell us all the steps at the beginning. But we do know that he knows how this ends, and when we will meet Emma Ramsey, and where we will meet Emma Ramsey, and when she will come home with us and become a permanent part of our family.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The journey begins

Well today we are offically starting the journey to adoption. I am not a blogger but God has led me to involve others during this time. I am a very private person but i know God wants to use us and make us a part of his story. I thought God and I had agreed on the future plans for our family. I mean we have two children, a nice house, jobs, and we seemed to be on the same sheet of music. Well was I wrong. God began really convicting me about adoption over fall break. I taked to Luther and little did I know God had been convicting him also. I was pretty aggrevated at first because i just turned 40 in September & I thought we were finished with children of our own. Well after the shock, I have found myself feeling excited at what God wants to do. In the Spring of this year I read "Radical" by David Platt. Wow... It really convicted me on a lot of levels but the biggest was not putting God in my own little box but to let my heart break for what breaks his. I know that this will be a journey of faith with a lot of stress, growth, and joy. I ask that you would consider praying for us while we are on this adventure!!